Get Sh!t Done Business Accelerator

A small group business accelerator for freelancers serious about creating change and hitting targets.

Get Sh!t Done And Achieve Your Goals

This small group experience gets me all up in your business, ensuring you know exactly what to do, make consistent progress, and reach your goals without burning out or sacrificing your sanity.

Here’s the deal…

  • I’ve hired experts for VIP Days and paid for strategic intensives that have led to amazing results. But intensives leave you on your own to figure out how to act on the strategy defined for the clarity attained. And when back in your daily grind, it can be hard to find the time and motivation to dig in and do the work.
  • I’ve joined and led accountability groups and accountability works wonders for people committed to their goals and willing to do the work. But they don’t work if you’re cool with breaking promises to yourself and they don’t work when your progress is siloed and those holding you accountable let you get away with it.
  • I’ve done free mastermind programs and low-cost programs, and I’ve paid multiple five figures for mastermind programs — I believe in them. But the problem is that YOU have to come to the table with a challenge and know what to ask for help with, which doesn’t make sense because if you knew the problem, you’d likely already have fixed it.

Here’s what I know for certain:

If you want to achieve the goals you set and achieve them faster and with more ease and less stress, you need more than a VIP Day or strategic intensive, more than basic accountability, more than coaching, and more than a mastermind…

You need a combination of everything.

That’s why I’m taking the best, most effective parts of intensives, accountability groups, and masterminds and merging them into one single opportunity to work with me at a high level in a small group freelance business accelerator unlike any you’ve ever seen.

Get Sh!t Done Freelance Business Accelerator

This is a goal-focused group coaching program that operates in 15-week sprints. Following the structure outlined below, you’ll set, plan, work toward, and achieve one bold business goal in each sprint.

How The GSD Business Accelerator Works

Here's the lowdown on what you get, how it works, how much access you get to me, and what happens when the sprints end.

Female freelancer writing in a notebook during a business sprint

Three Intentional 15-Week Get Sh!t Done Sprints

Your small group business coaching experience is split into three 15-week sprints over 45 weeks, running January thru April, April thru July, and July thru November. Each sprint focuses on one bold business goal and includes planning, execution, coaching, celebration, reflection, and rest.

When the last sprint ends, the remainder of the year and our weekly mastermind meetings are spent finishing up outlying to-dos, wrapping up lose ends, and closing out the year so we can look ahead, plan your next year in business, and prep for the next year’s sprint 1 goals.

Runners jumping over hurdles that represent freelance business challenges

Intentional Structured Support For Your Strategic Planning

To kick off your experience, we’ll work together to set a clear, attainable yet bold goal based on your long-term vision and break up that goal up into three smaller milestone goals.

You’ll then join me at the start of each sprint for a group planning intensive where we’ll map the exact steps you’ll take to make your goal a reality. Next, we’ll meet 1:1 to nail down outstanding details and schedule those steps in your calendar, taking into account your other obligations and responsibilities because your plan needs to be doable and achievable.

the legs of four women freelancers standing in a circle for a mastermind

Weekly Group Coaching And Mastermind Meetings

Join for entire year or hop in at the start of a sprint. Either way, if you/re ready to get sh!t done, I’m ready to help. This small group coaching experience for freelancers and solopreneurs meets for live coaching and mastermind opportunities nearly every week on Tuesdays at 10:00 am Pacific time.

Group meetings create camaraderie, provide accountability, and help you get unstuck and on your way so you can have a productive week and get sh!t done. They’re also an opportunity to ask questions, talk through ideas, get fresh perspectives, receive support, and keep moving forward with clarity and confidence.

Freelancing female typing on laptop with a notebook and post-its in the foreground to represent increased productivity with support and accountability through Slack

Unlimited Access To Jen Via Slack Monday Thru Friday

When you join the Get Sh!t Done Business Accelerator, you’ll be invited to our small yet mighty Slack community. Slack is where everything happens between our weekly live mastermind meetings.

It’s how you get unlimited access to me Monday thru Friday to ask questions, get feedback, receive support, and get unstuck as you work toward your goal. It’s also where, twice each week, you’ll complete an accountability check-in: On Monday, you’ll commit to specific to-dos for the week, and on Friday, you’ll share your accomplishments and celebrate getting your sh!t done.

What We Can Conquer Together

Whether you're working toward one goal in one sprint, or three bold goals over the course of the year, I'm your ride-or-die. My freeelance experience and business expertise best support goals like…

  • Establishing a business system and related processes.
  • Turning a framework into a product or course.
  • Writing and designing sales pages for your offers.
  • Productizing an established service package.
  • Defining your brand messaging.
  • Writing, designing, or building a new website.
  • Defining your content marketing strategy and tactics.
  • Improving client communication.
  • Creating a consistent pipeline of qualified leads.
  • Creating and marketing a lead gen training.
  • Developing and designing a workbook.
  • Planning, creating, or launching a course.
  • Pricing and packaging your services for profit.
  • Navigating rate increases with clients.
  • Elevating your proposals to get yeses more often.
  • Building and growing recurring revenue.
  • Choosing your niche or changing your niche.
  • Performing client and audience research.
  • Improving client experiences and building loyalty.
  • Creating a powerful visual brand.
  • Writing case studies that sell for you.
  • Expanding brand reach and visibility.

I have accomplished more in my business this year (10 months actually) than all other years combined.

“The opportunity to coach with Jen arose at the perfect time. After spending the better part of a year getting clarity about my business, my vision was still fuzzy-around-the-edges. How to get there was the real question. Getting support to move my business forward was a priority because staying the same was no longer an option.

Jen was the obvious and only choice because she has successfully operated her business with various business models, and more importantly, she would keep her promise to be all in my business. Having worked with other coaches or facilitators over the years, Jen is one of two who are in a tier all their own and raise the bar on what coaching can be. If you truly want to create change in your business, achieve a ‘beyond imagination’ goal, or get shit done that needs doing once and for all, coaching with Jen will be the best business decision ever. Make it happen and do it, however you need to.

I have accomplished more in my business this year (10 months actually) than all other years combined. Without GSD, I would be in pretty much the same place having made zero progress. To be fair, have I achieved everything I laid out in January? No. Am I on track? Yes. Don’t expect an easy ride because growing and making breakthroughs never is. But having Jen ‘all in your business’ is worth more than every penny invested in your future.”

I created and launched a course! If you have a goal, get Jen to help you tackle it.

“I’ve wanted to create a course for years and have had numerous failed starts that fizzled out fast. I knew I needed extra accountability and GSD was a perfect fit to finally get this goal across the finish line. I’m extremely proud of the finished product and having Jennifer’s expertise along the way while putting it together was invaluable. There’s no question the ability to reach out if I was stuck, wanted her opinion, or needed something to keep moving forward was a difference-maker. She knew when I needed a good shove forward or an encouraging word or a great piece of advice to keep at it. If there’s a goal in your business that you’ve been struggling to get done, I absolutely recommend getting Jen in your corner to help tackle it.”

You + Me + A Strategic Plan = Success

I don't do fake scarcity. When I say, "I'll be all up in your business," I'm dead serious, which means I have no choice but to limit group size to just a handful of business owners.

I also don’t hide investment details behind an application and discovery call that uses sales psychology to nicely pressure you into saying yes to an investment you may not be ready for. #EwDavid I work with all-in business owners who know what they want, are willing to invest in it (and themselves), and are prepared to do so.

Get Sh!t Done is $12,000 per year / $4,000 per sprint.

You can start at the beginning of any Sprint, and when you compare the investment for this program to your goals and what’s possible for your business when you finally achieve them, the investment actually seems small — and I absolutely agree. I mean, you have to ask…

  • How much are your goals worth to you and the potential of your business?
  • How badly do you NOT want to be in the same place you are now a year from now?
  • How much value would you get from being part of a group of no B.S. action-takers?
  • How great would it be to have ME get sh!t done for you when what needs to get done falls outside your wheelhouse?

Only you know the answers to those questions.

Are you all in?

If you’re a hell yes or even a maybe-hell-yes, complete the short form below so we can chat about your goal. Then, if we both decide this is a great fit, we’ll dial in your investment details, get your contract signed, and start getting $h!t done ASAP. If I’m not confident I can get you to your goal, I’ll let you know. I want this to be a win for us both!

Get Sh!t Done Business Coaching Application

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers

Here's a collection of the questions I'm asked most often about the Get Sh!t Done Business Accelerator and a few questions you should be asking before investing in any group coaching program.

What if I don’t have a lot of time?

No one has a lot of time. That’s why we first identify your big vision, then establish smaller goals to get you there — goals that are doable and attainable within the time you have available in your existing schedule. Consistent baby steps over time get you to the same destination as one big leap.

What’s the timeline?

2024 Sprint 1 runs January 8 to April 19. 2024 Sprint 2 runs April 22 to August 2. 2024 Sprint three runs August 5 to November 15. Each sprint is 15 weeks long and includes 1 week of planning, 12 weeks of work, and two weeks of celebration, reflection, and rest. November 25 thru December 20, we still meet near-weekly to tidy up lose ends, wrap up the year strong and plan for the upcoming year.

How often does enrollment open?

Due to the level of investment I make in each member, space in this coaching program is limited. If there is space available, you may join during the last two weeks of any sprint or anytime between November 1, 2023 and January 5 2024. When the program reaches capacity, new members will be accepted only when an existing member leaves. Those who have submitted an application will have the first opportunity to claim a spot.

How does the contract/commitment work?

I don’t believe in program lock-in. With that said, you’ll sign a contract to ensure we’re on the same page in terms of commitment, process, expectations, and investment terms. You can exit at the end of any sprint with 30 days notice. Once a Sprint begins, you’re responsible for all payments for that sprint, regardless of your level of participation.

What are the payment options?

You can pay in full, quarterly, or monthly. It’s the same investment either way. I don’t charge you more to take advantage of a payment plan option. I also don’t falsely inflate the investment just to offer a pay in full incentive. Monthly payments can be made by check, wire transfer, or credit card.

Do you guarantee that I’ll hit my goals?

No. Your success in this program one hundred percent depends on your ability to be coachable, work your Sprint plans, seek help when needed, and do the work. You may also find that as you pursue your big goals, the action you take and the clarity you gain affects your journey and other areas of your business, and sometimes targets change or shift a bit as new possibilities appear.

Is this a replacement for your other programs?

No. The Get $h!t Done Business Accelerator provides planning, accountability, and support for one specific goal at a time. This coaching experience (the Slack collaboration, communication, group meetings, and accountability check-ins) is centered around your defined goals. If there are resources in my other courses and programs that directly support your specific weekly to-dos, I’ll share them right when you need them.

How much help do you actually provide?

How much you get from your experience will depend solely on how much effort you put in. You’re the subject matter expert in your business, so the faster you move the more help I can offer. Beyond coaching and consulting, I’ve been known to jump in and build upon your work with design, copyediting, and copywriting support that gets projects over the finish line.